
7-Things Your Body Needs To Survive

7-Things Your Body Needs To Survive

All people have a common set of basic needs. These necessities are vital for long-term physical and mental well-being and basic survival. The concept of basic needs evolves with the world’s expansion and change. For example, twenty years ago, the Internet would not have been regarded as a “need,” but now, in 2019, an Internet connection is essential to guaranteeing that everyone has access to information.

Anything related to physical or mental health is considered a basic need.

Let’s explore this topic in detail.


Water does more for you than only slake your thirst. It is essential to almost every bodily system in one way or another. About 60% of our body consists of water. It helps the kidneys and liver eliminate toxins and controls body temperature. It hydrates the mouth, nose, and eyes and lubricates joints. It also even transports nutrients and oxygen into cells.

The body cannot function without water. Sweating, breathing, and even using the restroom can cause dehydration. People must replenish their water reserves and keep drinking water throughout the day to keep their bodies healthy.

The greatest way to use water is directly. Fruits like watermelon and beverages like electrolyte drinks can aid in replenishing the body’s water reserves.

If you are worried about getting these fresh, hydrated fruits and vegetables, a CSA subscription can be the perfect option.


Breath is oxygen. Life is impossible without oxygen, assuming everything else is preserved. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body after being breathed into the lungs. By burning up the sugar and fatty acids that are consumed, oxygen provides energy to cells.

The red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body and release carbon dioxide. 


Food is essential for the body’s energy, cell growth, and repair. It maintains the immune system. It is divided into four groups: fats, carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins.

  • Fats provide energy, control cholesterol, and aid in growth.
  • Carbohydrates provide fuel
  • fiber, aid digestion, and regulate blood sugar levels. Protein aids in organ repair
  • Thirteen types of vitamins are needed for proper bodily function.

So, you cannot survive more than three 3 weeks without food. Make sure to have emergency meal kits in case of natural disasters for survival.


A shelter is a permanent building where people can seek protection from bad weather and other environmental factors. Adequate shelter is a reliable and secure space that offers privacy and is interconnected with the infrastructure of the surrounding communities.


Healthcare is the reliable availability of medical care from qualified specialists. Adequate medical care addresses current issues and offers continuous assistance in averting future illnesses.


Education is the systematic instruction and acquisition of essential skills such as literacy and mathematics.

It improves living quality and is a need for long-term self-sufficiency.

Nervous system

The nervous system is the control center of the body. It gathers information, analyzes it, and reacts appropriately. The system regulates movement by sending nerve signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Neurotransmitters, synapses, and neurons all carry the messages.

Hence, it includes human survival factors like food, water, and oxygen.


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