
Everything You Need To Know About Yag LASER

Everything You Need To Know About Yag LASER

As young people, we also want to show off our beauty. People, especially ladies, adopt many effective skin routines for beautiful, younger-looking skin. One of the skincare routines involves unwanted hair removal. Removing unwanted hair from arms, legs, and other areas makes us look more beautiful, young, and fresh. Various ways and technologies have evolved in hair removal. One of them is the Yag Laser. With the help of this technology, hair removal from different areas of our body has become more accessible than ever.

Here is everything you need to know about the Yag laser.

Yag Laser

Yag laser is designed to destroy the skin pigment or melanin granules. It finally affects the root of the skin, which is responsible for unwanted hair growth. The laser uses Yttrium Aluminium Granet Grystals to release energy to destroy hair growth and limit hair growth for a long time. Every Yag laser works on two wavelengths: 532 nanometers and 1064 nanometers. The first one works on superficial skin and relieves us from red skin, wrinkles, and red birthmarks. At the same time, the other one has a greater wavelength that targets our hair roots and removes the same.

In Which Areas Of The Body Can The Yag Laser Be Used?

The Yag laser can be used on different body parts for skin removal, including the mustache, chest, abdomen, bikini line, arm, armpit, leg, etc. The best part is both men and women can use Yag laser.

Different Benefits Of Yag Laser

Along with hair removal, the Yag laser can be used for different benefits, including:

  • acne scars lightening,
  • skin tightening
  • pores removal
  • removing dark spots
  • relief from varicose veins.
  • Relief from hair ingrowth

You can use this Yag laser technology carefree for hair removal and other skin problems, as it does not show any other side effects on your skin.

Limitations Of Using Yag Laser

With all its strengths, the Yag laser also has some limitations. People with light hair or brown hair on their body cannot see much effect after the hair removal treatment using this technology.

When To Choose Yag Laser?

Yag laser is only suitable for some. It is ideal for those who want to reduce the excess hair on their body. If you have excess ingrowth hair and your body looks dotted because of that, you can go for Yag laser. The laser treatment can reach the hidden areas of the skin, and therefore, you will get smooth skin.

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